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The Beast that is The Buffalo Stampede |
Dave Byrne said to me on Sunday after the marathon, you must be
pretty happy after such a build up to a race.
This got me thinking, and he was right, I was happy and it was such a
big build up that anything could have happened. I cashed my chips and ran to my
potential on the day, had a blast all weekend and can now reflect on what was
truly a special weekend, shared in a special place with special people.
So this is going to be a long one, here we go….
It all started with an email from Sean Greenhill last year asking if
I wanted to be part of the Buffalo Stampede MountainSports team. I was excited and eager with the opportunity
and it was a massive privilege to be considered as an athlete in the team and
someone Sean and Mel would want representing MountainSports. The event was due
to launch and I was given a sneak peak of the website and its content,
including the elevation profile, the excitement was then joined with fear and
The launch went well and I began planning my year around this race,
it was the big one of my A races and wanted to do well in Bright come
April. I was to start prep with a camp
in Wolgan Valley mid November with the other members of the team, Jo
Brischetto, Ingrid Donald and Mark Lee (he couldn’t make it due to a race in
NZ). Unfortunately the training aspect
of the camp was cut suddenly short after a mishap crossing the river resulting
in a Grade 3 tear of my right ankle. The weekend otherwise was fun, camping
with the kids and hanging out with Sean, the Brischetto’s, Andrew and Alix, and
Ingrid and her son was great, but the damage caused by the injury was
going to cost me up to 5 weeks.
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Dakota, Reese, Kel and I post Friday Fun Run |
Fast forward a few months and my injury woes were behind me and I
was knocking out solid weeks in training and beginning to race more competitively
again. I approached the Stampede with
Skycamp, 6 Foot and Orange Marathon as well some other key runs and events in
my legs. This year my training runs have
gotten longer and I have noticed greater improvement in my long endurance. I
have been running more easy paced runs on trail as opposed to the road, shorter
in distance around 30 – 45min longer but normally up a big climb (200-300m),
across a few rollers and then back down, normally a scrambly single track or on
a mountain bike track. I enjoy this running and aim to use it more in my
training in the future.
The medal with a bottle opener.
I utilised my blog, Facebook and Twitter to post in the lead up to
the race, this was able to generate some interest and allowed me to keep
focused and motivated for the race. I’m sure I maybe got a few people thinking,
here is Wes posting again, but the interest in the race was big and it is what
it is, Skyrunning is massive internationally and to a part of it is awesome.
The trip down to Bright was good, Kel and I were both looking
forward to the weekend. Unfortunately
Kel was only just starting to get running again and had withdrawn from the
marathon, so her Skyrunning debut would have to wait until 2015 where she will
be ready and eager to go. We arrived at
Velo, and were greeted by Wayne and Sean. From here we were allocated a room
and started seeing plenty of familiar faces about the town, Kirsten and Jen
were helping out and Kevin Orrman-Rositer was also racing the ultra.
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Pre-Race dinner at the Brewery |
We met up with Marcus and crew, the crew was pretty solid with trail
running weapons (to quote Caine Warbuton).
I met Clark McClymont (who I’d heard a lot about from Brendan), Grant Guise, Matt Bixley, Reese Ruland and of course the US draw card Dakota Jones,
Mick Donges was there as well and he was past his injury issues and ready to
run come Saturday. We headed to the Bright Brewery for dinner and had a good
meal together. Sean asked me to help him finish marking the course and I went
out with him around 9ish, while Kel stayed back and hung out with Mel. I marked
from Buckland to the base of the wall. I
must admit I was a little cranky I didn’t get to bed early but I was more happy
to help Sean out for obvious reasons and it did give me another look at the
wall plus a section that I hadn’t seen yet.
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Friday Fun Run |
The athlete’s forum and check in were great, an opportunity to catch
up with friends, listen to some of the best and soak up the atmosphere. I really was feeling good about the race at
that point and after a great dinner with Kel, Brendan, Nadine and Blair it was
time for bed and a few last minute things. I went with the UltraAspire Omega to
carry my gear and finalized my splits and nutrition for Kel to crew.
Lights out.
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Just before the start of my first Skyrun. |
Leg 1 Bright to Buckland
15km: Easy Does It Leg!
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The summit of Clearspot about 10km in. |
I had a plan and stuck to it, hike the hell out of the hill. Mark was right by my side and we got to task,
chatting but keeping our effort level solid and cadence high, apparently
Amadeus had different plans because it was at this point the “German Darkhorse”
flew off to our cheers, he is an awesome hill climber and will go close to winning
the TNF 50 in my view (I really hope he does anyway!). I felt really good on
this climb and we caught about 4 or 5 runners who were busting arse, it was a
good boost for the confidence and sign for the later part of the race. At the summit Dan from Ultra 168 greeted us
with some smack and a photo and we quickly approach the wall, named “Warner’s
Wall” after Marcus the President of AUS/NZ Skyrunning. Matt Bixley of BCR fame joined Mark and I on
the descent where Mark had opened up a slight gap on us. At the base Matt and I ran together chatting
and holding a very comfortable and sensible pace on the gradual downhill to
Buckland. I enjoyed this part run and
made sure I didn’t cash in too many chips too early, I was also looking forward
to seeing Kel even though I was 30-40min ahead of plan.
At the aid station Kel had a chat and encouraged me, I had a quick
drink and pushed giving her a rough guess of my eta for Eurobin. Kel was there ready, as she was to be all day,
ever reliable and encouraging throughout.
Leg 2 Buckland to Eurobin
24.7km: The Bixley Leg!
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Mark Lee = Champion |
Matt and I ran to the base of Keatings where he let me go, only
after a few jokes of the snakes that he would see and his view of Aussie trail
roads! Up the climb was pretty constant,
run 20 right foot steps, walk 20 averaging around 7:30min splits without
exerting too much. I reached the top
dwarfed by the mountain on my left, Buffalo. This was followed by a solid
descent to the next checkpoint at Eurobin.
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Amadeus Gladbach = The Darkhorse |
On this descent I ran within myself and finished my Perpetuem as I
had a fresh supply waiting for me there.
I had a gel and some water and approached the road section on the entry
to the National Park feeling really positive and ready for the massive climb
ahead. As I hit the checkpoint I was keen to get in and out asap and onto the
climb. Kel gave me my nutrition refill
and we had a chat, then it was time to go. I ran from the checkpoint encouraged
by Kel and keen to tackle this beast as I’d planned to, the plan however hadn’t
included a near race ending slip on the bridge, lucky for me I managed to catch
myself without major issue (bloody hopeless on wet wooded surfaces at the
Leg 4 Eurobin to Chalet:
Yes it’s called the Big Walk Leg!
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Summit of Mt Buffalo, all smiles. |
I started the Big Walk hiking up the steep early few k, I planned to
do this and was battling the steep incline and fatigue constantly. The climb
was relentless and ongoing but I stuck at it waiting for the road crossing that
would mark the point that I had planned
to begin running from. I managed to run
from this spot to Mackey’s Corner, I took it easy and ran within myself but ran
the middle section well. It was at the
start of the granite I identified an issue, cramps in the inner quads, yes
cramps, wtf!!! I could not manage more than a hike up this section, the
switching back and technical terrain was causing me great grief, I was still
catching runners in front so I didn’t panic, my race in Canberra taught me to
worry about myself not others in races.
I downed some Endurolytes, changed to 1 each 20 minutes and pushed
on. I approached the Chalet feeling
positive, no one had gone past on their way back so I couldn’t have been doing
all that bad. Around 1km for the
checkpoint Dakota floated past effortlessly in total control, what a freak
(more on him later), I had caught the runner in front around this point and
began running again. Close to the Chalet Ben Duffas and Blake Hose came
screaming past. These boys are young and are the future of Australian Ultra
running, they are good and payed for going out hard with Dakota and not being
able to finish, but they ran well and had a real go so hats off to them,
lessons learnt pay in the future I believe.
I didn’t have much to do with Ben but Blake I spent plenty of time with,
he is a good bloke and I reckon is destined for greatness plus he helped Wayne
at Velo out all weekend making coffees and still smiled all day long after a
tough day out.
Once the boys went past the now familiar and encouraging cowbells
began ringing, the Chalet was near! I
could see a few familiar faces and one big smile, Joe Brischetto was atop of
Buffalo loving every minute. Kel led me
to the gear and again we quickly chatted and I passed on what I would need
after the loop. I began to realise this
run was going to be a real battle, I was feeling tired and my legs were pretty
smashed but I wasn’t holding back and was keen to push on. I went ready to roll and keen to enjoy the
loop as much as possible.
Leg 5 Chalet Loop: Your in
for a World of Hurt Leg!
I was thinking this loop would be a cruise in around 50min or so, oh
I was wrong. I really underestimated how
long getting up, around and off Mt Buffalo would take me and how much the
beautiful trail that takes in the Gorge, Chalwells Gallery and Lake Cantini
would tax from me.
I ran to the base of the Gorge well, Dave Ross (thanks champ) came
along with me for around 500m and I was keen to get moving again along this
section. I knew the stairs up would be
tough and it was here I saw Tucks, Guisey, Caine (who earnt the prize to France and deserves the stop no doubt, I wish him all the best and hope he has a blast), Moritz and Brendan, these
guys were battling out the front and pushing the pace hard, I can only hope I
will be at that level in the coming years, consistency and patience!
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Looking calmer than I felt at that point of the Descent down the Big Walk. |
After I climbed from the Gorge the track makes its way towards Lake
Cantini, I was running this section, slower than expected but still running,
and I was really starting to hurt. When
I finally made it onto the trail around Cantini I was busted, but my spirits
were lifted by seeing the other guys coming back the other way and having Dave
Byrne give me a big cheer. I turn onto
the little loop track and got to the Gallery ready to get through without an
issue, I successfully got down without a cramp but managed to reset my watch
and save the activity! This was a
problem, my nutrition was based on the time, which was now out, and I had to
guess the km’s back to the Chalet, Eurobin, etc. plus I could only worry about
how I was going to merge my Strava activities, yes first world problems at
their finest!
I got over my little issue and pushed on to the Chalet, passing back
through the field was good, giving and receiving encouragement is a real boost
in tough times and I certainly was going through a low point during this
leg. I really enjoyed making it back to
the Chalet, this was 5.30hr in and I was on track for a sub 10:45hr time which
was great! Kel was there ready with the
modified nutrition and I took a moment to compose myself ready for the Big
Leg 6 Chalet to Eurobin: Oh
my god I can’t descend anymore Leg!
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Dave Byrne - "Your in for a World of Hurt", trying to deflect the pain elsewhere! |
10km of downhill is normally my cup of tea, I seriously love to run
down and think I can do a pretty good job, especially if the trail is
technical, but man I had nothing on this descent. All the way down from the Chalet to Mackeys
Corner was a battle, I couldn’t open up or free myself at all and I was hurting
big time, it was a blessing that gravity was on my side otherwise I’d have
dropped further back.
When I hit the single track that flows down that bottom half of the
Big Walk I managed to free myself somewhat, although I was still really cactus
on the steep last few km’s where I passed Gretel and Brick, who were sweeping,
both they and the rest of the field were encouraging but I was grinning and
bearing it at that point. Bixley had
caught, passed and trash talked me and I re-entered the battle with another runner by the checkpoint. Brick had told Marcus Warner that I look very
stiff, he was right, I felt like the “Tinman” from the Wizard of Oz. The cowbells signaled the end of my descent
from hell, and I was sooooooo relieved to see Kel and get on the flat again (I
was dying for the climbs). Kel mixed up
a Hammer Fizz, this is more fast acting and was just what I needed, kick
starting my return from hell.
Leg 7 Eurobin to Buckland:
Rise from Hell Leg!
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Sunday at the Chalet with NSWIB crew Mike Miles ran top 10 in the mara. |
I ran to the base of Keatings Ridge, this was gradual up hill but I
wanted to run it and then employ a hike or run/walk plan, whatever was quicker.
It turned out my hike was on so I pushed on up the hills taking in fluid and
nutrition to make sure when I hit the last 15km I was ready, my cramps had
settled at this point and I was really practicing my mindfulness techniques
getting in a better headspace.
At the summit I looked at Mt Buffalo with content of how I had
covered the trails in the last few hours. I got on with my descent and ran
carefully down the steeper sections onto the tar road that lead to the
checkpoint, it was more exposed and hotter than I’d expected but I knew I was close
and trucked on slowly. To my surprise Kel had ran down the road around 750m to
greet me with good news, I was 15th, I had a little moment and told
her I didn’t want to worry about that yet (but looking back it meant I knew
where I was at, as I had started to stress a bit about dropping back). At
Buckland I had some Heed and took my time to cross the road all the while eyeing
off the spot in front, I took off and promised Kel I’d start running soon!
Leg 8 Buckland to Bakers
Gully: Smashing the Wall Leg!
I knew this next 5km were vital in getting ground on those in front
of me and I planned to run to the wall and then get my hike going again. I decided to count my steps to keep moving
and I think I counted around 1700 odd right foot strikes over to the wall, of
these only 35 were walked, heck I even saw a snake in the grass of the road.
Upon reaching the base of the climb my spirits lifted, 2 runners were in eyesight
and I was getting them before the top.
I flew, in an ultra manner, up the wall. I had caught my friend who
I’d been dueling with by the top and had Sean Sweetman in my sights as
well. I dropped the guy I’d just passed
and pushed onto Sean, who was struggling on the ups, reaching him around 300m
from the top, we hit the top together and had a good little chat about the race
that had been unfolding. He was
conceding to me on the ups, but I told him I had nothing down and the ups were
now 1 less than the downs, he then flew off the hill running away into 11th
My descent was far less epic, I struggled, it hurt and I had to stop
briefly for a moment. I have honestly
not ever wanted something to come to an end more! When I saw the top of the tent at Bakers
Gully I seriously nearly wet myself with joy, man I was happy. I approached the aid station with Paddy
O’Neill waiting, being chicked was looming as Jacinta was leading the women’s
field and she is a very strong descender. At the aid station I was greeted by
Coops, Jo Brischetto and Blake, who informed me he had dropped, these guys really
lifted my spirits and Jo sent a photo through to Kel to let her know I was
coming! I quickly checked my bladder and headed off towards the last hill,
Leg 9 Bakers Gully to
Bright: Don’t be a sook and run downhill Leg!
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At Bakers Gully...ready to go! |
There is a spot when you think you are at the top, you get there and
your not, 400m further to climb, thanks Sean. I swore at the point!
Anyhow I sucked it up and pushed on logging my slowest km split of
22min at this point. I didn’t care or
actually know, I was just happy to be back on the firetrail that lead to the
summit. I tried to run and it didn’t
work so I hiked to the top in the hope I could run off this hill. At the launch point where just on 10hrs
earlier I had passed through, I now started my run to the finish.
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No words can describe this... a special moment |
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10:32:34 12th place |
The Aftermath
I went back to Velo and had a shower, cleaned up and got ready to go
to the Brewery to watch the rest of the field finish, attend presentation and
catch up over a pint. We had a great
night, everyone was satisfied and of the opinion that the Buffalo Stampede was
a beautifully brutal race, an epic event for Australia. I was impressed with those finishing in the
rain and dark after 13, 14 and 15 plus hours on course, one of those runners
was Blair Hurst, a good mate from Bathurst, who had crossed the line in 15hr
17minutes, after battling rain and mud he conquered the race.
I was pretty spent and keen for a good day on Sunday so we headed
back to get some sleep, Kel slept I lay awake for most of the night. The following day I went up to Eurobin, then
onto the Chalet for the Skymarathon and the opportunity to take in the race from
a more relaxed view. To sum up the marathon
I’ll go dot points;
- Dave Byrne suffered and finished joint winner with Vajin Armstong, at top effort from both runners. Dave then went on to amuse me with his humor all afternoon and evening, he is a top bloke.
- Anna Frost led home some solid Aussie girls and it was great to see Jo Brischetto finish well with a smile on her face.
- Wanye Hildred finished with his all star crew of Blake Hose and Dakota Jones pushing him along the whole time.
- The celebration after the marathon at the Brewery was slightly longer and involved more pints than the ultra, and yes I payed for it on Monday!
I do want to mention a few a people.
First off with Sean and Mel from MountainSports, their vision, their
race, dead set legends and I can not speak more highly of them. Also to Marcus
Warner for his role in this race, he puts so much energy and many other things
into the sport that often goes unnoticed, hats off to him.
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Sunday Arvo Drinks - Good Times |
Second to Wayne at Velo, that place was the spot to be when we
weren’t running or at the Brewery, he did a top job with his staff and a few
blow ins behind the counter (Donges, Hose, Rouland et al).
Brendan Davies who has been my coach and mentor since November in 2012, he believed in me and has been massive in my progress. I thank him for his time and energy over this period and can not wait to see him duke it out in Western States 100 later this year, thanks champ!
Onto the elites, Anna and Dakota.
These athletes are the real deal on all levels, both are friendly, down
to earth, modest, approachable and really nice people. I spent a lot of time
with both and really got along well with them, Reese and Dakota especially were
very accommodating of both Kel and I.
Lastly to everyone involved in the race, supporters, athletes,
volunteers, marshalls, crew and everyone else, wow! Life long memories, heart ache, sweat, pain,
cowbells, tears it had it all! I loved every step in my journey for this event
and cannot wait until version 2015, bring on the pain!
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Hursty = Legend |
Gear and Nutrition
Hammer Shorts & Visor, Aldi Compression Shorts and Short
SleeveTop & Skyrun Bib.
Garmin Fenix – Thanks to Stew Sewell for the lend, I am onto a Fenix
2 for sure!
Hammer Nutrition
Perpetuem 2 Scoops per 500ml
every 2.5hr
Endurolytes every 20minutes or
Heed at aid stations
- Gel at every climb and half way up each big climb.
Photo Credit - Alix Campbell, Dan Bleakman, Dave Byrne, Kel Gibson, Marcus Warner
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